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  1. 敦煌 醉後失禮謝書 Dunhuang Drunk Apology Letter Translation
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  10. East Asia Student
  11. Classical Chinese
  12. Classical Chinese
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  16. British Library
  17. 9th Century
  18. 陸游 遊山西村 translation: Roaming in Mountain West Villages, by Lu You
  19. 陸游
  20. 宋朝
  21. 南宋
  22. 七言律詩
  23. poetry
  24. 白居易 自問 (黑花滿眼絲滿頭) translation: Self Questioning, by Bai Juyi
  25. 白居易
  26. 全唐詩
  27. 七絕
  28. Sets
  29. 盛唐
  30. 李白 古風 桃花開東園 translation: Antiquity: Peach Blossom Blooming in the East Garden, by Li Bai
  31. 李白
  32. 全唐詩
  33. 五言古诗
  34. 項羽
  35. 章碣 焚書坑 translation: The Book Burning Pit, By Zhang Jie
  36. 章碣
  37. 劉邦
  38. 七言絕句
  39. Web
  40. tools
  41. Tech
  42. Japanese
  43. Japanese
  44. Japan
  45. Japan
  46. Duolingo Fandom Japanese vocab CSV extractor bookmark
  47. Duolingo
  48. CSV
  49. Anki
  50. 董卓
  51. 東漢
  52. 三國演義 董賊潛懷廢立圖 translation: "The Traitor Dong Zhuo Secretly Harbours a Deposition Plan", from Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  53. 三國演義
  54. 1st Century
  55. 長屋王
  56. 山川异域 风月同天: Japan sends aid packages to China with a Classical Chinese poem
  57. 綦毋潛
  58. 唐詩三百首
  59. 五言古詩
  60. 023 綦毋潛 春泛若耶溪 translation: Spring Drifting on Ruoye Creek, by Qiwu Qian
  61. 司馬
  62. 163 李白 司馬將軍歌 translation: Sima General Song, by Li Bai
  63. 長沙
  64. 劉長卿
  65. 196 劉長卿 長沙過賈誼宅 translation: In Changsha, Passing by Jia Yi's Residence
  66. 韓愈
  67. 紀遊詩
  68. 七言古詩
  69. 068 韓愈 謁衡嶽廟遂宿嶽寺題門樓 translation: An Inscription on the Gatehouse after Paying Respects at the Mt Heng Shrine and Lodging at the Mountain Temple, by Hán Yù
  70. 李白 早發白帝城 translation: Setting Off Early from Baidi City, by Li Bai (下江陵)
  71. 李白 勞勞亭 translation: Pavilion of Misery, by Li Bai
  72. China Classical
  73. 王铮亮
  74. 时间都去哪儿了
  75. 《时间都去哪儿了》 lyrics translation: Where Has the Time Gone?
  76. songs
  77. Mandarin
  78. lyrics
  79. 漢字
  80. Written Chinese
  81. writing systems
  82. writing
  83. puzzles
  84. jokes
  85. ciphers
  86. alphabets
  87. A "Chinese" puzzle sent to me by a reader: 冊月水三 了口臼尺 山月了 七口...
  88. Tuttle
  89. reviews
  90. resources
  91. reading
  92. radicals
  93. mnemonics
  94. learning
  95. books
  96. book reviews
  97. Book review: Tuttle Reading and Writing Chinese
  98. 宮中行樂詞
  99. '李白 宮中行樂詞 一 translation: Lyrics for Wandering in the Palace I, by Li Bai (小小生金屋)'
  100. 普通话
  101. websites
  102. study
  103. software
  104. Popup Chinese
  105. pop
  106. podcasts
  107. My favourite Chinese learning tools
  108. grammar
  109. example sentences
  110. dictionaries
  111. ChinesePod
  112. ChineseClass101
  113. audio
  114. 汉朝
  115. What is the main Chinese language? What is Standard Chinese?
  116. Standard Chinese
  117. Sino-Tibetan
  118. questions
  119. politics
  120. linguistics
  121. languages
  122. controversy
  123. Chinese languages
  124. China
  125. 百度
  126. 搜狗
  127. 拼音
  128. The best Android Chinese input method: Google Pinyin Input (谷歌拼音输入法)
  129. technology
  130. Smart Keyboard PRO
  131. phones
  132. input
  133. handwriting
  134. Google
  135. apps
  136. Android
  137. 遠別離
  138. 李白 遠別離 translation: Distant Parting, by Li Bai
  139. 醉花陰
  140. 汪曾祺 尾巴 translation: Tail, by Wang Zengqi (小说三篇)
  141. 汪曾祺
  142. 李清照
  143. 文言
  144. 小说三篇
  145. Anti-Rightist Movement
  146. 20th century
  147. 1983
  148. 1980s
  149. '李清照 醉花陰 translation: (Lyrics for the Tune of) Drunk in Blossom Shade, by Li Qingzhao'
  150. 苦热
  151. 王維 苦熱行 translation: Ballad of Suffering from the Heat, by Wang Wei
  152. 王維
  153. 8th Century
  154. Thanks to Kensio Software for the Wordpress and Web development of EAS
  155. Site
  156. Wordpress
  157. web design
  158. mark-up
  159. Internet
  160. HTML
  161. fonts
  162. CSS
  163. Convenient mark-up for CJK languages in Wordpress (HTML + CSS)
  164. code
  165. CJK
  166. quotation marks
  167. punctuation
  168. names
  169. Mac OS
  170. Mac
  171. How to type Chinese quotation marks on Mac OS (「」, 『』 and 《》 )
  172. How to get a Chinese name
  173. culture
  174. computers
  175. Chinese name
  176. Apple
  177. 酬虞部蘇員外過藍田別業不見留之作
  178. 送元二使安西
  179. 五言絕句
  180. '王維 酬虞部蘇員外過藍田別業不見留之作 translation: Composed in Reply to Secretary Su of the Board of Concern, Who Passed By Lantian Residence But Did Not Stay, by Wang Wei'
  181. '王維 送元二使安西 translation: Seeing Off Yuan Er on His Mission to Anxi, by Wang Wei'
  182. 辛夷塢
  183. 輞川集
  184. 王維 辛夷塢 translation: Magnolia Wall, by Wang Wei (輞川集)
  185. 王維 欹湖 translation: Yi Lake, by Wang Wei (輞川集)
  186. 王維 欒家瀨 translation: Luan Family Rapids, by Wang Wei (輞川集)
  187. 欹湖
  188. 欒家瀨
  189. 春秋時代
  190. 孫子兵法
  191. 孫子 兵法 始計 translation: Laying Plans, The Art of War, by Sun Zi
  192. 孫子
  193. 始計
  194. 五绝
  195. 亚马逊
  196. readings
  197. novels
  198. literature
  199. Kindle
  200. ebooks
  201. Amazon China: the best source of Chinese ebooks ever?
  202. Amazon
  203. university
  204. UK
  205. Study
  206. sixth form
  207. regional
  208. Questions about studying an East Asian language at university
  209. French
  210. European languages
  211. Cambridge
  212. AS-level
  213. a-level
  214. 听力
  215. skills
  216. listening
  217. How to improve your Chinese listening in the early stages (reader question)
  218. beginner
  219. time
  220. strftime
  221. programming
  222. operating systems
  223. Linux
  224. GNOME
  225. dates
  226. coding
  227. Cinnamon
  228. Chinese time format for coding: %Y年%m月%e日 %A %I:%M %p
  229. 江雪
  230. 柳宗元 江雪 translation: River Snow, by Liu Zongyuan (Jiang Xue)
  231. 柳宗元
  232. 閨情詞
  233. 謝新恩
  234. 詩經 柏舟 translation: Cypress Boat, from the Classic of Poetry
  235. 詩經
  236. 詩歌
  237. 相思
  238. 王蒙
  239. 王維 相思 translation: Yearning, by Wang Wei
  240. 櫻花落盡階前月
  241. 柏舟
  242. 李煜
  243. 國風
  244. 周代
  245. 古體詩
  246. 南唐
  247. 刘宾雁
  248. 五代宋初
  249. undergraduate
  250. results
  251. PDF
  253. dissertation
  254. annotation
  255. AMES
  256. 4th year
  257. '李煜 謝新恩 · 櫻花落盡階前月 translation: Cherry Blossom Completely Falls Before the Steps Under the Moon, by Li Yu (Gratitude for New Favour)'
  258. 'My undergraduate dissertation: Changing Trajectories of Wang Meng and Liu Binyan'
  259. 郑风
  260. 游子吟
  261. 成语
  262. 孟郊 遊子吟 (Yóuzǐ Yín) translation: Song of the Wanderer, by Meng Jiao
  263. 孟郊
  264. 女曰雞鳴 translation: The Wife Says the Rooster Crows (Classic of Poetry 詩經)
  265. 女曰雞鳴
  266. 中唐
  267. 李商隱 夜雨寄北 translation: Sent North in Night Rain, by Li Shangyin
  268. 李商隱
  269. 晚唐
  270. 夜雨寄北
  271. 采桑子
  272. 西湖
  273. 秋曉行南谷經荒村
  274. 畫船載酒西湖好
  275. 無題
  276. 歐陽脩 畫船載酒西湖好 translation: A Painted Boat Carrying Wine, by Ouyang Xiu (采桑子)
  277. 歐陽脩 平生為愛西湖好 translation: All One's Life One has Loved It, by Ouyang Xiu (采桑子)'
  278. 歐陽脩
  279. 杭州
  280. 杜牧 贈別 其二 translation: Parting II, by Du Mu
  281. 杜牧
  282. 李商隱 無題 · 來是空言去絕踪 translation: Untitled (Promises to Come Were Empty Words; Gone Without Trace), by Li Shangyin
  283. 平生為愛西湖好
  284. 北宋
  285. 來是空言去絕踪
  286. regional
  287. philology
  288. Hanzi and kanji: differences in the Chinese and Japanese character sets today
  289. differences
  290. 11th Century
  291. '柳宗元 秋曉行南谷經荒村 translation: On an Autumn Morning, Travelling on a Southern Valley Path to a Deserted Village, by Liu Zongyuan'
  292. 蘇軾
  293. 冬至日獨遊吉祥寺
  294. word-character error
  295. The 'word-character error' whilst learning Chinese
  296. pronunciation
  297. mistakes
  298. '蘇軾 冬至日獨遊吉祥寺 translation: On the Winter Solstice, Travelling Alone to the Temple of Fortune, by Su Shi'
  299. 葱油饼
  300. 炸酱面
  301. 味精
  302. What does Bradley Cooper say in Chinese at the end of Limitless? (2011)
  303. food
  304. films
  305. Bradley Cooper
  306. accents
  307. accent
  308. Fourth year final exam results, Easter 2013 (AMES)
  309. fourth year
  310. exams
  311. East Asian Studies
  312. 现代汉语
  313. You can still read Chinese with the hanzi jumbled up
  314. word order
  315. vocabulary
  316. tricks
  317. lists
  318. facts
  319. death
  320. 60 Chinese words for death
  321. puns
  322. homophones
  323. A Chinese joke about accidental bank robbers (more homophone puns)
  324. 蘇軾 戲子由 translation: Teasing Zi You, by Su Shi
  325. 戲子由
  326. 常建 古興 translation: Ancient Inspiration, by Chang Jian (漢上逢老翁)
  327. 常建
  328. 古興
  329. ひらがな
  330. WA in hiragana: わ
  331. wa
  332. kana
  333. 陸遊 岳池農家 translation: The Peasant Houses of Yuechi, by Lu You
  334. 陸遊
  335. 陌上花
  336. 贈狄崇班季子
  337. 蘇軾 陌上花 三 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path III, by Su Shi
  338. 蘇軾 陌上花 一 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path I, by Su Shi
  339. 蘇軾 贈狄崇班季子 translation: Presented as a Gift to Di Chongban's Youngest Son, by Su Shi'
  340. 月夜與客飲酒杏花下
  341. 張子野年八十五尚聞買妾述古令作詩
  342. 岳池農家
  343. word count
  344. TSU in hiragana: つ
  345. tsu
  346. tips
  347. Some tricks to reduce word count in academic writing
  348. essays
  349. academic writing
  350. '蘇軾 月夜與客飲酒杏花下 translation: On a Moonlit Night Drinking Wine with a Guest Below the Apricot Blossoms, by Su Shi'
  351. '蘇軾 張子野年八十五尚聞買妾述古令作詩 translation: Still One Hears that Zhang Ziye at Eighty-Five Years Old Has Bought a Concubine; A Poem Requested by Shugu (Su Shi)'
  352. 題破山寺後禪院
  353. 蘇軾 陌上花 二 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path II, by Su Shi
  354. 六月二十七日望湖樓醉書
  355. '蘇軾 六月二十七日望湖樓醉書(其二) translation: Drunken Writings from 27th of the 6th at Wanghu Tower II, by Su Shi'
  356. '蘇軾 六月二十七日望湖樓醉書(其一) translation: Drunken Writings from 27th of the 6th at Wanghu Tower I, by Su Shi'
  357. '常建 題破山寺後禪院 translation: Writing of the Meditation Hall of Po Mountain Temple, by Chang Jian'
  358. 陸遊 過野人家有感 translation: Feelings When Passing Countryside Homes, by Lu You
  359. 過野人家有感
  360. 過瓜洲鎮
  361. 舟過揚子橋遠望
  362. 楊萬里 過瓜洲鎮 translation: Passing Through Guazhou Town, by Yang Wanli
  363. 楊萬里
  364. '楊萬里 舟過揚子橋遠望 translation: Looking Afar from a Boat Passing a Bridge on the Yangzi, by Yang Wanli'
  365. 陸遊 山南行 translation: Ballad of South of the Mountains, by Lu You
  366. 過揚子江
  367. 楊萬里 過揚子江 (其二) translation: Crossing the Yangzi River II, by Yang Wanli
  368. 楊萬里 小泊新豐市 translation: A Small Mooring at Xinfeng City, by Yang Wanli
  369. 梅堯臣 夢覺 translation: Waking from a Dream, by Mei Yaochen
  370. 梅堯臣 來夢 translation: A Dream Comes, by Mei Yaochen
  371. 梅堯臣 不知夢 translation: I Do Not Know If I Am Dreaming, by Mei Yaochen
  372. 梅堯臣
  373. 山南行
  374. 小泊新豐市
  375. 夢覺
  376. 來夢
  377. 不知夢
  378. 贈從弟冽
  379. 西嶽雲台歌送丹丘子
  380. 聞官軍收河南河北
  381. 清朝
  382. 杜甫
  383. 李白 贈從弟冽 translation: Offered as a Present to My Nephew Lie, by Li Bai
  384. 李白 西嶽雲台歌送丹丘子 translation: A Song of Parting for Dan Qiuzi on Mt Hua's Cloudy Peak, by Li Bai'
  385. 明末清初
  386. 明朝
  387. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 16
  388. 吳城日記
  389. 古柏行
  390. Series
  391. prose
  392. Imperial
  393. Diary of Inner City Suzhou
  394. 17th Century
  395. '杜甫 聞官軍收河南河北 translation: Hearing the Military Has Taken Henan and Hebei, by Du Fu'
  396. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 15
  397. Skritter
  398. economy
  399. 173 Chinese economic terms (general economic vocabulary)
  400. '李白 夢遊天姥吟留別 translation: A Departing Song of Travelling to Tianmu in a Dream, by Li Bai'
  401. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 14
  402. 皂角林
  403. 登樓
  404. 楊萬里 皂角林 translation: Honey Locust Forest, by Yang Wanli
  405. 杜甫 登樓 translation: Ascending a Pavilion, by Du Fu
  406. 杜甫 宿府 translation: Staying at the Yamen, by Du Fu
  407. 杜甫 古柏行 translation: Ballad of the Old Cypress, by Du Fu
  408. 宿府
  409. 陸遊 南鄭馬上作 translation: Written on Horseback in Nanzheng, by Lu You
  410. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 13
  411. 南鄭馬上作
  412. 阿城 棋王 二四 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 4
  413. 阿城
  414. 棋王
  415. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 12
  416. fiction
  417. 1984
  418. 水中山花影
  419. 楊萬裡
  420. Cambridge Chinese Fourth Year Song and Tang Poetry List
  421. 12th Century
  422. '楊萬里 水中山花影 translation: Reflection of Mountain Flowers in Water, by Yang Wanli'
  423. 美国想打谁就打谁 (America hits whoever it wants): versatile Chinese question words
  424. 什么
  425. question words
  426. countries
  427. 百花运动
  428. 报告文学
  429. 在桥梁工地上
  430. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 5 (Liu Binyan)
  431. RI in hiragana: り
  432. ri
  433. reportage
  434. 1956
  435. 1950s
  436. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 4 (Liu Binyan)
  437. smartphones
  438. Get daily Chinese handwriting practice with Google Pinyin IME on Android
  439. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 3 (Liu Binyan)
  440. 汝州
  441. 梅堯臣 汝州 translation: Ruzhou, by Mei Yaochen
  442. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 2 (Liu Binyan)
  443. statistics
  444. Funny names found in the 2010 Chinese Census (homophones again)
  445. funny
  446. census
  447. 2010
  448. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 1 (Liu Binyan)
  449. 穆罕默德·阿麦德
  450. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 四 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 4 (Wang Meng)
  451. 新疆
  452. 觀社
  453. 楊萬里 觀社 translation: Observing a Village Festival, by Yang Wanli
  454. 楊萬里 入浮梁界 translation: Entering the Borders of Fuliang, by Yang Wanli
  455. 入浮梁界
  456. '楊萬里 積雨小霽 translation: A Break in the Clouds After Extended Rain, by Yang Wanli'
  457. 阿城 棋王 二三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 3
  458. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 三 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 3 (Wang Meng)
  459. 阿城 棋王 二二 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 2
  460. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 二 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 2 (Wang Meng)
  461. 日本语
  462. 日本
  463. カタカナ
  464. Japan in Japanese: Nihon · にほん · 日本
  465. 醉後草書歌詩戲作
  466. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 11
  467. '陸游 醉後草書歌詩戲作 translation: After Getting Drunk, Playfully Writing a Poem in Grass Script (Lu You)'
  468. 陸游 長歌行 translation: Long Ballad, by Lu You
  469. 阿城 棋王 二一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 1
  470. 阿城 棋王 一八 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 8
  471. 長歌行
  472. 1127
  473. Chinese Studies
  474. A look at our final year exams in Chinese Studies at Cambridge
  475. 2013
  476. Why I deleted the pinyin field from my Mandarin Anki deck
  477. SRS
  478. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 10
  479. tones
  480. Some fun with Mandarin homophones
  481. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 一 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 1
  482. webinar
  483. links
  484. Hutong School webinar: “Chinese for Dummies”
  485. Hutong School
  486. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 9
  487. 阿城 棋王 一六 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 6
  488. 阿城 棋王 一七 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 7
  489. 汉字
  490. Use pinyin from Google Translate to practice writing Chinese characters
  491. Google Translate
  492. 蘇軾 寓居定惠院之東雜花滿山有海棠一株土人不知貴也 translation: ...Dinghui Temple..., by Su Shi
  493. 宋詞三百首
  494. 1080 CE
  495. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 8
  496. 阿城 棋王 一五 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 5
  497. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 7
  498. Windows
  499. open source
  500. news
  501. Calibre is an open-source ebook program with awesome potential for language learning
  502. 文学
  503. ལྷ་སའི་སྐད་
  504. Wang Meng Bibliography (王蒙创作年表)
  505. Tibetan
  506. intellectuals
  507. How to get Tibetan to display in Ankidroid (Anki for Android)
  508. guides
  509. display
  510. bibliographies
  511. Ankidroid
  512. abstracts
  513. A draft abstract for my Wang Meng and Liu Binyan dissertation
  514. 1990s
  515. 1970s
  516. 1960s
  517. notes
  518. Fleshing out the structure for my dissertation (2013-02-02)
  519. 阿城 棋王 一四 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 4
  520. 蘇軾 宿九仙山 translation: Lodging on Nine Immortals Mountain, by Su Shi
  521. 1073 CE
  522. 1070s
  523. '蘇軾 雨中游天竺靈感觀音院 translation: Traveling in the Rain to Linggan Guanyin Temple on Tianzhu Mountain, by Su Shi'
  524. '蘇軾 李思訓畫長江絕島圖 translation: Li Sixun Paints Cragged Islands on the Yangtze, by Su Shi'
  525. 1071 CE
  526. '蘇軾 臘日遊孤山訪惠勤惠思二僧 translation: On the Winter Festival I Visited Lone Mountain and the Two Monks Hui Jin and Hui Si, by Su Shi'
  527. 韓疁 高陽臺 translation: High Terrace, by Han Liu
  528. 韓疁
  529. 白話
  530. 李白 山中問答 translation: Questions and Answers in the Mountains, by Li Bai
  531. 延安
  532. vernacular
  533. 1942
  534. 1940s
  535. '王實味 野百合花 我们生活里缺少什么? translation: What are we lacking in life? (‘Wild Lilies’), by Wang Shiwei'
  536. '陸游 歲晚喜東歸 translation: Joyful to Return Home at the End of the Year, by Lu You'
  537. 阿城 棋王 一三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 3
  538. SCIM vs IBus (Linux Chinese, Japanese, Korean input method options)
  539. SCIM
  540. IBus
  541. Initial basic structure for my dissertation (刘宾雁 and 王蒙)
  542. Install East Asian languages support on Windows XP without the CD
  543. East Asian languages
  544. Should you learn Mandarin in a place with a standard accent? Which Mandarin study programs are good in China?
  545. courses
  546. trajectories
  547. timeline
  548. history
  549. Communism
  550. Basic timeline of key events in the life of Liu Binyan (刘宾雁)
  551. myths
  552. Chinese alphabet nonsense
  553. 阿城 棋王 一二 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 2
  554. 上海
  555. Yuan Z 等待 translation: Waiting
  556. Yuan Z 皮囊 translation: Skin bags
  557. Yuan Z
  558. United Verses
  559. 莊子
  560. 红楼梦
  561. 汪曾祺 生前友好 translation: A Close Friend in Life, by Wang Zengqi (excerpt)
  562. 女媧
  563. 后羿
  564. Yuan Z 他们 translation: They
  565. How to pronounce Li Keqiang (李克强) - China's next Premier
  566. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 6
  567. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 5
  568. guest
  569. 阿城 棋王 一一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 1
  570. words
  571. Dates in Classical Chinese texts
  572. Chinese opposites words
  573. 繁体
  574. 简体
  575. 李白 鳴皋歌送岑徵君 translation: A Song of Mt Ming'gao to See Off Cen Zheng, by Li Bai
  576. Surprising Chinese character simplifications
  577. 053 李白 廬山謠寄盧侍御虛舟 translation: A Ballad of Mt. Lu for Imperial Servant Lu Xuzhou, by Li Bai
  578. 王實味 野百合花 前記 translation: Preface to 'Wild Lilies'', by Wang Shiwei'
  579. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 4
  580. 陶淵明 桃花源詩 translation: The Peach Blossom Spring (poem), by Tao Yuanming
  581. 陶淵明
  582. 桃花源
  583. 六朝
  584. 5th Century
  585. 421 CE
  586. 科幻
  587. 汪曾祺 卖蚯蚓的人 translation: The Worm Seller, by Wang Zengqi (小说三篇)
  588. 文化大革命
  589. science fiction
  590. Back to the Wang Meng and Liu Binyan dissertation
  591. 陶淵明 桃花源 translation: The Peach Blossom Spring (prose), by Tao Yuanming
  592. 胡适
  593. 建設的文明革命論
  594. '胡适 建設的文明革命論 三 translation: Discussion of Creating a Revolution in Literature, by Hu Shi Pt 3'
  595. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 3
  596. '胡适 建設的文明革命論 二 translation: Discussion of Creating a Revolution in Literature, by Hu Shi Pt 2'
  597. 085 李白 將進酒 translation: Bring in the Wine, by Li Bai
  598. homework
  599. A sample of my Chinese handwriting (October 2012)
  600. 李白 荊門浮舟望蜀江 translation: Floating on a Boat at Jingmen, Gazing at the Yangzi (Li Bai)
  601. 山水詩
  602. authors
  603. 19th century
  604. 19th and 20th century Chinese science fiction authors
  605. '李白 當塗趙炎少府粉圖山水歌 translation: Ode to a Scenic Painting by the Official Zhao Yan of Dangtu County, by Li Bai'
  606. 閨怨詩
  607. 李白 烏夜啼 translation: Crows Caw at Night, by Li Bai
  608. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 2
  609. 007 李白 春思 translation: Spring Thoughts, by Li Bai
  610. Writing an undergraduate dissertation on Chinese science fiction
  611. 蜀國
  612. 李白 送友人入蜀 translation: Seeing a Friend Off to Shu, by Li Bai
  613. 汪曾祺 迷路 translation: Losing One's Way, by Wang Zengqi (小说三篇)'
  614. 李白 蜀道難 translation: The Difficulty of the Shu Road, by Li Bai
  615. 蜀志
  616. 地崩山摧壯士死 story translation, from《华阳国志·蜀志》
  617. 吳城日記 translation: Diary of Inner City Suzhou, Part 1
  618. 李白 贈汪倫 translation: Zeng Wanglun, by Li Bai
  619. 李白 下涇縣陵陽溪至澀灘 translation: Down Jing County's Lingyang River to Rough Shore, by Li Bai'
  620. 汪曾祺 求雨 translation: Asking for Rain, by Wang Zengqi (小说三篇)
  621. typing
  622. transcribing
  623. loanwords
  624. 'How to type a Chinese / Japanese name dot · (interpunct) on Windows, Mac or Linux '
  625. '胡适 建設的文明革命論 一 translation: Discussion of Creating a Revolution in Literature, by Hu Shi Pt 1'
  626. Hutong School webinar: "What's in a Chinese name?"'
  627. 坎坎 爱情啊 translation: Oh Love, by Kan Kan
  628. 坎坎
  629. Windows 7 Chinese input
  630. Windows 7
  631. music
  632. 颠覆M - 蒙古精神 lyrics translation: The Spirit of Mongolia, by DianFu M
  633. 颠覆M
  634. 蒙古精神
  635. Ubuntu
  636. Mongolia
  637. metal
  638. MATE
  639. Making a dedicated Skritter launcher in Linux Mint
  640. Linux Mint
  641. 2008
  642. 2000s
  643. L2
  644. English
  645. Does your first language accent affect your Japanese?
  646. numbers
  647. East Asia Student readers might like these Chinese wall art prints
  648. Chinese and Japanese list numbering in CSS
  649. Art
  650. 黄韵玲
  651. 王若琳 三个人的晚餐 translation: Dinner for Three, by Joanna Wang
  652. 王若琳
  653. 台湾
  654. Anki tip: Use models (other than basic)
  655. 白话
  656. 水滸傳
  657. 景陽岡武松打虎 translation, part 3 (水滸傳)
  658. 景陽岡武松打虎
  659. 施耐庵
  660. 四大名著
  661. 14th century
  662. site
  663. RSS
  664. My content is being scraped by Thow Chiang Chua's website
  665. What's different about Chinese netizens? - an infographic
  666. New site design (July 2012)
  667. netizens
  668. infographics
  669. images
  670. City Weekend
  671. Putting Wordpress into Chinese, Japanese or Korean
  672. Target overload in language learning
  673. psychology
  674. You Can Listen You Can Talk
  675. The weirdest search terms that bring people to East Asia Student
  676. How to tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean
  677. Guest post: Learning Chinese is easy
  678. difficulty
  679. classes
  680. Carsick Cars '可怜的人'' lyrics translation: Pitiful Person'
  681. Carsick Cars
  682. So Korean has way more Chinese influence than I had realised
  683. loan words
  684. Korean
  685. Korea
  686. 青岛
  687. 離騷
  688. 戰國
  689. 屈原 離騷 translation: An extract from 'The Sorrow of Parting', by Qu Yuan
  690. 屈原
  691. Trip to Strong Ale Works in Qingdao
  692. travel
  693. Lingomi
  694. beer
  695. Carsick Cars '他们的一员'' lyrics translation: One of Them'
  696. Wikipedia
  697. My Chinese Studies Supervision Reports from 1st Year at Cambridge
  698. marks
  699. Learning facts and Chinese at the same time
  700. degree
  701. 211 李商隱 隋宮 translation: The Sui Palace, by Li Shangyin
  702. 1st Year
  703. 韓愈 師說 translation: On Teaching, by Han Yu · Pt 2
  704. 師說
  705. Hutong School webinar: “Demystifying Mandarin”
  706. 鴻門宴
  707. 司馬遷
  708. 史記
  709. Useful Chinese learning search functions
  710. The Skritter iOS app is out... Please make an Android one!
  711. The Feast at Hong Gate translation, Pt 3 (史記:卷七:項羽本紀:16)
  712. SE in hiragana: せ
  713. se
  714. iOS
  715. Flash
  716. Firefox
  717. measure words
  718. Example sentences + SRS is the best way to learn Chinese measure words
  719. Chinese Grammar Wiki Anki decks
  720. Chinese Grammar Wiki
  721. 韓愈 師說 translation: On Teaching, by Han Yu · Pt 1
  722. The Feast at Hong Gate translation, Pt 2 (史記:卷七:項羽本紀:16)
  723. 한글
  724. Understand Anki's structure and improve your SRS study
  725. Attacking Korean with Anki
  726. Pinyin Toolkit
  727. Fixing the "sqlalchemy.exceptions / cjklib" error in Pinyin Toolkit for Anki
  728. errors
  729. The Feast at Hong Gate translation, Pt 1 (史記:卷七:項羽本紀:16)
  730. 長干行
  731. 王秀楚
  732. 李白 長干行 translation: Ballad of Changgan, by Li Bai
  733. 日記
  734. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 19
  735. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 18
  736. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 17
  737. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 16
  738. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 15
  739. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 14
  740. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 13
  741. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 12
  742. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 11
  743. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 10
  744. 揚州十日
  745. 揚州
  746. Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou
  747. 1645
  748. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 9
  749. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 8
  750. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 7
  751. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 6
  752. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 5
  753. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 4
  754. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 3
  755. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 2
  756. 五言律詩
  757. RU in hiragana: る
  758. 152 白居易 賦得古原草送別 translation: Farewells on Grassland, by Bai Juyi
  759. Yu Dafu
  760. revision
  761. Modern Chinese Literature
  762. modern
  763. May Fourth
  764. Lu Xun
  765. C17
  766. 'Lu Xun and Yu Dafu are both seen as important representative figures of the May Fourth New Literature movement. Why?'' (practice essay)'
  767. 張繼
  768. Introduction and Summary Texts for Modern Chinese Literature
  769. 273 張繼 楓橋夜泊 translation: Maple Bridge Night Mooring, by Zhang Ji
  770. Similar hanzi list and Anki deck
  771. 揚州十日記 translation: Diary of the Ten Days of Yangzhou, Part 1
  772. Why did May Fourth writers favour realism? What are “the limits of realism”? (practice essay)
  773. Wang Der-wei
  774. realism
  775. Marston Anderson
  776. Mao Dun
  777. 白氏長慶集
  778. 246 白居易 問劉十九 translation: Inviting Liu Shijiu, by Bai Juyi
  779. 10 hanzi you thought you knew how to write correctly
  780. Speed up pinyin input: be incomplete!
  781. 蘇軾 辛丑十一月十九日,既與子由別于鄭州西門之外,馬上賦詩一篇寄之 translation
  782. 沈佺期
  783. Webinar: “How to get a job in China?”
  784. jobs
  785. 7th Century
  786. 095 沈佺期 雜詩 translation: Miscellaneous Poem, by Shen Quanqi
  787. 陸游 將至京口 translation: Going to Jingkou, by Lu You
  788. 陸游 登賞心亭 translation: Ascending the Joy Pavilion, by Lu You
  789. 习近平
  790. media
  791. How will the media handle Xi Jinping's name? Pronunciation problems and Xi Jinping puns
  792. 兰州拉面万岁! Long Live Lanzhou Lamian!
  793. noodles
  794. 郭小橹
  795. Review of Guo Xiaolu’s 'Twenty Fragments of a Ravenous Youth' (郭小橹 饕餮青春的二十个瞬间)
  796. 21st Century
  797. How I started studying Mandarin
  798. 孟浩然
  799. 128 孟浩然 過故人莊 translation: Visiting a Friend's Farmhouse, by Meng Haoran
  800. '陸游 六月十四日宿東林寺 translation: Staying at Donglin Monastery on June 14th, by Lu You'
  801. 登鸛雀樓
  802. 王之渙
  803. 236 王之渙 登鸛雀樓 translation: Climbing White Stork Tower, by Wang Zhihuan
  804. 233 李白 靜夜思 translation: Quiet Night Thoughts, by Li Bai
  805. RO in hiragana: ろ
  806. Why I decided to study Chinese
  807. 王翰
  808. 唱詞
  809. How I do translations here (and why)
  810. 267 王翰 涼州詞 translation: Liangzhou Verse, by Wang Han
  811. 嫦娥
  812. 303 李商隱 嫦娥 translation: Chang'e, by Li Shangyin
  813. 景陽岡武松打虎 translation, part 2 (水滸傳)
  814. I in hiragana: い
  815. Zhuge Liang produces arrows, part one (三國演義 第四十六回)
  816. 102 李白 送友人 translation: Seeing Off a Friend, by Li Bai
  817. 海子 七月的大海 translation: The July Sea, by Hai Zi
  818. 海子
  819. 海子 面朝大海,春暖花开 translation: Facing the Sea, with Spring Blossom, by Hai Zi
  820. 景陽岡武松打虎 translation, part 1 (水滸傳)
  821. 坎坎 滴答 translation: Di Da, by Kan Kan (Chinese song in Lijiang)
  822. 271 杜甫 江南逢李龜年 translation: Encountering Li Guinian in Jiangnan, by Du Fu
  823. TA in hiragana: た
  824. rock
  825. FUSION乐园 123 translation (Chinese pop rock song)
  826. FUSION乐团
  827. bands
  828. KU in hiragana: く
  829. 崔健 一无所有: Nothing to My Name, by Cui Jian - a decent Chinese rock song
  830. 崔健
  831. Active vs passive vocabulary - do you know the difference?
  832. 'xue'' is not the same sound as ''shui''!'
  833. 225 王維 竹里館 translation: Bamboo Grove Pavilion, by Wang Wei
  834. Remembr.it Chinese Flashcards review
  835. online
  836. N in hiragana: ん
  837. 粵語
  838. 粤語
  839. 廣東話
  840. Remembr.it mini-interview
  841. interviews
  842. comparison
  843. Colloquial comparisons in Cantonese
  844. Vocabify 0.2.3
  845. vocabify
  846. 224 王維 鹿柴 translation: The Deer Enclosure, by Wang Wei
  847. 懷古詩
  848. Vocabify 0.2, now on Google Code
  849. 300 posts! + looking for guest posters
  850. 235 杜甫 八陣圖 translation: Eight Front Strategy, by Du Fu
  851. 234 李白 怨情 translation: Resentment, by Li Bai
  852. NI in hiragana: に
  853. 232 孟浩然 春曉 translation: Spring Dawn, by Meng Haoran
  854. Web programming in China can really suck
  855. Vocabulary notify flashcards 0.1
  856. HE in hiragana: へ
  857. 搜神記
  858. Soushenji 457 translation: Tomb of the Faithful Dog
  859. romanisation
  860. Gwoyeu Romatzyh - better than pinyin?
  861. 4th century
  862. NU in hiragana: ぬ
  863. 还是 and 或者: exclusive and inclusive disjunction
  864. Open source is good for language learners
  865. NA in hiragana: な
  866. logic
  867. disjunction
  868. Staying in touch with someone in China
  869. 徐志摩 再別康橋 translation: Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again, by Xu Zhimo
  870. 徐志摩
  871. YU in hiragana: ゆ
  872. 1920s
  873. Learning Chinese grammar in Grade 1
  874. SHI in hiragana: し
  875. East Asian Studies (Chinese) at Cambridge: First Year
  876. 10 popular misconceptions about Chinese
  877. A in hiragana: あ
  878. Soushenji 387 translation: Death in Childbirth, a Dot on the Face
  879. The Chinese Grammar Wiki
  880. Sinosplice
  881. TE in hiragana: て
  882. Interviewed by Steven Daniels on Lingomi Blog
  883. Benny tackles Chinese
  884. 300 Song Poems (宋词三百首)
  885. What can you write about in a literature dissertation?
  886. research
  887. KI in hiragana: き
  888. Soushenji 389 translation: A Ghost Plays the Pipa
  889. “For” in Chinese: for the nth time
  890. Forwards - backwards Chinese words
  891. for
  892. Soushenji 381 translation: The Coffin Floating in the Liao River
  893. RE in hiragana: れ
  894. KO in hiragana: こ
  895. Soushenji No. 351 translation: Chang'e Flies to the Moon'
  896. "For" in Chinese: for an amount of time
  897. 闻捷 苹果树下 translation: Under the Apple Tree, by Wen Jie
  898. 闻捷
  899. Thoughts on 'Last Train Home' (归途列车)
  900. Last Train Home
  901. documentaries
  902. 2011
  903. 口语
  904. 写作
  905. 10 common Mandarin learner mistakes
  906. KA in hiragana: か
  907. Mandarin sentence structure: guidelines
  908. China's weird desert structures
  909. Mandarin Chinese word order
  910. Wikipedia's huge list of Chinese TV dramas: great listening materials'
  911. TV dramas
  912. SO in hiragana: そ
  913. 鲁迅
  914. 孔乙己
  915. YO in hiragana: よ
  916. Translating "who" / "that" into Chinese
  917. Soushenji No. 310 translation: The Ye Bird of Yue
  918. Lu Xun Kong Yiji translation, Pt. II
  919. Kong Yiji
  920. Super Singles' Day: 光棍节 11-11-11'
  921. festivals
  922. Sinostand
  923. China could develop sci-fi technologies
  924. blogs
  925. SA in hiragana: さ
  926. Baijiu Sports Cap Edition!
  927. passive
  928. My favourite Chinese character: 戀
  929. Avoiding the passive voice in Mandarin
  930. Get Mandarin listening materials from YouTube
  931. Albert's Chinese Super Dictionary idea
  932. 013 王維 輞川閒居贈裴秀才迪 translation: Message to Scholar Pei Di from my Lodge at Wangchuan, by Wang Wei
  933. What is a topic prominent language?
  934. procrastination
  935. Preventing procrastination with the hosts file
  936. 012 李白 清平調三首其一 translation: Song of Purity and Peace, 1 of 3, by Li Bai
  937. KE in hiragana: け
  938. 狂人日記
  939. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XIII
  940. HI in hiragana: ひ
  941. Diary of a Madman
  942. Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch review (CTH-460)
  943. Wacom
  944. speaking
  945. Oral answers: 谁对你学中文有最大的影响?
  946. oral
  947. NO in hiragana: の
  948. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XII
  949. ME in hiragana: め
  950. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XI
  951. 蘇軾 水調歌頭 translation: Water Song, by Su Shi (明月幾時有)
  952. O in hiragana: お
  953. 119 王維 酬張少府 translation: Answering Minister Zhang, by Wang Wei
  954. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, X
  955. Free Chinese to English translation
  956. 華歆王朗俱乘船避難 translation: Hua Xin and Wang Lang Fleeing by Boat
  957. 世說新語
  958. Disabling Wacom Bamboo touch in Linux
  959. East Asian languages on 43Things
  960. 張九齡
  961. 010 杜甫 登岳陽樓 translation: Ascending Yueyang Tower, by Du Fu
  962. 001 張九齡 感遇四首之一 translation: Thoughts I of IV (Zhang Jiuling)
  963. "As ... as possible" in Mandarin Chinese
  964. Translating "and" into Mandarin Chinese
  965. nciku seems to be down constantly
  966. nciku
  967. The "China winning the school race" headlines are misleading
  968. 113 杜甫 旅夜書懷 translation: Thoughts on a Travelling Night, by Du Fu
  969. 016 王維 渭川田家 translation: Farm Houses by Wei River (Wang Wei)
  970. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, IX
  971. immersion
  972. Great Firewall
  973. Get Dropbox working in China
  974. 13 ways to make an immersion environment
  975. Two hundred posts!
  976. Tones in Mandarin Chinese
  977. What is SRS learning? Spaced Repetition System
  978. How to get Skritter functionality for free
  979. 017 王維 西施詠 translation: Ode to Xi Shi
  980. 王維 青溪 translation: Green Creek, by Wang Wei
  981. 80 Chinese characters commonly used in phonetic transcriptions
  982. My internship at AllSet Learning
  983. SCIM Smart Pinyin disappearing (智能拼音)
  984. Add more Japanese stuff to your day with Japanese art prints
  985. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VIII
  986. Useful terminal commands for language students
  987. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VII
  988. 王维 雜詩 translation: Unclassified Poem, by Wang Wei
  989. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VI
  990. 陶渊明
  991. 陶淵明 飲酒 translation: Drinking Wine (Tao Yuanming)
  992. 013 王維 送別 translation: Parting, by Wang Wei
  993. Easter Term 2011 exam results (AMES)
  994. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, V
  995. Oral answers: 谁是你的偶像?
  996. Lu Xun 'Tomorrow' translation, Pt. I
  997. Lu Xun 'The Story of Hair' translation, Pt. I
  998. Lu Xun 'A Small Incident' translation, Pt. I
  999. Lu Xun 'Kong Yiji' translation Pt. I
  1000. Soushenji No. 283 translation: Guo Ju Buries his Son and Obtains Gold
  1001. Soushenji No. 157 translation: Trees neither Crooked nor Straight
  1002. Soushenji 270 translation: Dong Fang Shuo Pours Wine to Dissolve Trouble
  1003. 浮生六記
  1004. 坎坷記愁
  1005. Vocabulary list and Anki deck for 浮生六記三
  1006. Vocabulary list and Anki deck for 搜神記
  1007. Soushenji No. 144 translation: The Queen Mother of the West Sends Writings
  1008. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, IV
  1009. Oral answers: 你觉得什么能让你幸福?
  1010. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, III
  1011. Soushenji No. 183 translation: Taikang's Two Dragons'
  1012. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, Pt II
  1013. Soushenji No. 134 translation: Rats Nesting in Trees
  1014. Oral answers: 中国给你留下什么印象?
  1015. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, Pt. I
  1016. Soushenji No. 69 translation: Hua Tuo Cures a Boil
  1017. Oral answers: 你平时有什么爱好?
  1018. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 16)
  1019. Soushenji No. 355 translation: Mother Huang Becomes a Sea Turtle
  1020. 明月何皎皎 translation: Why is the Bright Moon So Clear?
  1021. 客從遠方來 translation - A Guest Comes from Afar
  1022. 古詩十九首
  1023. Soushenji No. 150 translation: Raining Meat in Beidi
  1024. Soushenji No. 104 translation: Hairy Tortoises and Horned Hares
  1025. Oral answers: 中国文化和英国文化有哪些不同?
  1026. Hu Jintao
  1027. Dr Kerry Brown on Chinese political personalities
  1028. Soushenji No. 1 translation: Shennong Threshes the Hundred Grasses
  1029. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 15)
  1030. 'Separated by'' in Mandarin Chinese: 隔着'
  1031. 杜甫 卜居 translation: Divining for a Residence, by Du Fu
  1032. Du Fu
  1033. 杜甫 畫鷹 translation: The Painted Falcon, by Du Fu
  1034. The 是 ... 的 construction in Mandarin
  1035. 就 and 才 in Mandarin: as early as, not until
  1036. particles
  1037. particle
  1038. GNOME Timer Applet for effective study sessions
  1039. 了 grammar: four kinds of 了 in Mandarin
  1040. Some things in English that behave like Chinese characters
  1041. How to read a book efficiently for fast research
  1042. Is Questia worth the money?
  1043. TCM in the UK research questionnaire
  1044. TCM
  1045. Use Zotero for essays and dissertations
  1046. plugins
  1047. How to type ü in pinyin input systems
  1048. Put Facebook into your target language
  1049. 10 ways to learn Mandarin tones
  1050. China to abolish Chinese characters, replace with pinyin
  1051. 20 words for Chinese tone practice
  1052. 086 杜甫 兵車行 translation - Ballad of the Army Carts, by Dufu
  1053. Known Chinese Words Test from zhtoolkit
  1054. The difference between 还是 and 或者
  1055. Five words for 'improve' in Mandarin
  1056. Judging and assessing in Mandarin Chinese
  1057. HorseDragonFish, a Mandarin webcomic
  1058. Six 印象 structures and uses in Mandarin
  1059. Use pictures of important faces in flashcards
  1060. memory
  1061. 宁愿 in Mandarin: rather than, prefer to
  1062. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 14)
  1063. Six Records of a Floating Life
  1064. Donate to the Japan earthquake relief effort
  1065. Use multiple cloze tests to remember things
  1066. 常常 vs 往往 in Mandarin Chinese
  1067. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 13)
  1068. 李白 渡荆門送别 translation: Crossing at Jingmen and Saying Goodbye, by Li Bai
  1069. Tips for reading and translating Chinese Tang poetry
  1070. The Google collocation test for translation
  1071. Li Bai
  1072. 120 王維 過香積寺 translation: Passing the Temple of Stored Fragrance, by Wang Wei
  1073. 116 王維 山居秋暝 translation: Mountain Life on an Autumn Evening, by Wang Wei
  1074. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 12)
  1075. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 11)
  1076. Mandarin passive voice: grammar and usage
  1077. 106 杜甫 春望 translation: Spring View, by Du Fu
  1078. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 10)
  1079. micro
  1080. Korea
  1081. Interpretations of the Korean War (micro article)
  1082. Getting angry in Mandarin - 为 ... 对 ... 生气
  1083. A Bitter Revolution (micro article)
  1084. The Genpei War (micro article)
  1085. The Great Learning (micro article)
  1086. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 9)
  1087. 24/7, dawn till dusk in Mandarin - 从早到晚
  1088. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 8)
  1089. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 7)
  1090. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 6)
  1091. 随着 ... 而 in Mandarin: with, as
  1092. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 5)
  1093. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 4)
  1094. Add your target language to Firefox
  1095. Taking A to be B in Mandarin: 以 A 为 B
  1096. Interview with Joel from 1on1 Mandarin
  1097. 尽管 and 即使 in Mandarin: 'even though'' vs ''even if'''
  1098. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 3)
  1099. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 2)
  1100. Shengfu Liuji
  1101. Paraphrase when translating
  1102. Use Tatoeba whenever you read your target language
  1103. Tatoeba
  1104. Six Records of a Floating Life, 3: Kanke Jichou (Section 1)
  1105. Six Records of a Floating Life translations
  1106. How to write a postal address in Chinese
  1107. How to write P.S. in a Chinese letter
  1108. Use preferred browsing languages for extra practice
  1109. 孟冬寒氣至 translation - In the First Month of Winter, Cold Air Arrives
  1110. Nineteen Old Poems
  1111. 凜凜歲云暮 translation - Bitterly Cold, the Year Ends
  1112. Useful new blog: 'Learn Mandarin with Peter'''
  1113. How to write a New Year card in Chinese
  1114. Chinese character stroke order rules
  1115. 生年不滿百 translation - The Years of Life Reach Not One Hundred
  1116. Wubi
  1117. Why Wubi Chinese input is better than pinyin
  1118. 去者日以疏 translation - The Departed Are More Distant Daily
  1119. 驅車上東門 translation - I Ride My Chariot from the Upper East Gate
  1120. Using language podcast services: pros and cons
  1121. Popup Chinese review
  1122. methods
  1123. 東城高且長 translation - The Eastern Wall is High and Long
  1124. pronouns
  1125. Classical Chinese first-person pronouns
  1126. 迴車駕言邁 translation - I turn the carriage, pull the reins and set off
  1127. How to make SCIM work with Anki
  1128. 10 ways to make mnemonics
  1129. 迢迢牽牛星 translation - So Remote, the Draught Ox Star
  1130. 庭中有奇樹 translation - In the Courtyard there is a Strange Tree
  1131. Radical repeating characters in Chinese
  1132. 冉冉孤生竹 translation - Frail Bamboo Growing Alone
  1133. 明月皎夜光 translation - The Clear Moon Shines Brightly by Night
  1134. ngrams
  1135. Chinese Ngrams on Google Labs
  1136. 涉江采芙蓉 translation - Crossing the River to Pick Hibiscus
  1137. The Mandarin complement of result: detailed explanation
  1138. How to use 呢 (ne) in Mandarin
  1139. complement
  1140. Mandarin question particles 吗, 呢, 吧
  1141. Character shapes used in Chinese words
  1142. The difference between Mandarin 吗 and 吧
  1143. Mandarin tone change rules (tone sandhi)
  1144. 西北有高樓 translation - A Tall Tower in the Northwest
  1145. motivation
  1146. Mistakes are brilliant for learning
  1147. Interesting Mandarin - English coincidences
  1148. Unusual Mandarin syllables
  1149. 今日良宴會 translation – Today we hold a splendid feast
  1150. Soushenji No. 395 translation: The Escort Commandant (搜神記三九五)
  1151. The Chinese difficulty debate
  1152. discussion
  1153. The different learning curves of Chinese and Japanese
  1154. John Pasden
  1155. 青青陵上柏 translation - Green, Green, Cypress on the Mound
  1156. Pinyin phonetics table with audio
  1157. 的 地 得 grammar summary (DE particles)
  1158. TMP
  1159. summary
  1160. suffix
  1161. prefix
  1162. Mandarin suffixes and prefixes
  1163. Mandarin adverbials TMP word order rule: time, manner, place
  1164. nuclear
  1165. North Korea and East Asian Security
  1166. North Korea
  1167. 青青河畔草 Translation - Green, Green, Grass on the Riverbank
  1168. Discussing cause and effect in Mandarin
  1169. 行行重行行 Translation - Marching On and On
  1170. Presenting an argument in Mandarin
  1171. jamo
  1172. Hangul and jamo practice in Anki
  1173. hangul
  1174. numerology
  1175. Chinese numerology explained by a skeptic
  1176. Polyglot plugin for Mandarin
  1177. Useful Mandarin conjunctions and phrases
  1178. katakana
  1179. Hiragana and katakana practice in Anki
  1180. "20 rules for learning" is essential reading
  1181. Skype for speaking practice
  1182. Skype
  1183. Nominal sentences in Literary Chinese
  1184. exchange
  1185. Use SRS grading buttons for more effective learning
  1186. Input pinyin with tone marks in Ubuntu
  1187. Graded comparisons in Mandarin Chinese
  1188. Simple comparisons in Mandarin Chinese
  1189. One-sided conversations for language learning
  1190. Study habits to boost learning and memory
  1191. Input Chinese, Japanese and Korean in Ubuntu
  1192. Mandarin pinyin chart
  1193. Japanesepod101 sign up offer
  1194. Best Chinese dictionaries: The Top 5
  1195. The four uses of 之 in Literary Chinese
  1196. Mandarin numbers grammar summary
  1197. Learning Mandarin numbers – the zeros
  1198. Learning Mandarin numbers – different units
  1199. Easter Term 2010 exam results (AMES)
  1200. Pages
  1201. About
  1202. East Asia Student Site Map