East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia

Classical Chinese

'楊萬里 舟過揚子橋遠望 translation: Looking Afar from a Boat Passing a Bridge on the Yangzi, by Yang Wanli'

This is a very rough annotation / translation of the poem 舟過揚子橋遠望 (Zhōu Guò Yángzǐ Qiáo Yuǎnwàng), ‘Looking Afar from a Boat Passing a Bridge on the Yangzi’, by the Song Dynasty Chinese poet 楊萬里 (Yáng Wànlǐ).

If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments at the end of the page.

Wide Open Spaces

舟過揚子橋遠望 Zhōu Guò Yángzǐ Qiáo Yuǎnwàng [boat] [pass] [Yang] [Zi] [bridge] [far] [look] Looking Afar from a Boat Passing a Bridge on the Yangzi

此日淮號堧西北, Cǐ rì Huái hào ruán xīběi, [this] [day] [Huai] [call] [adjoin] [west] [north] These days the banks of the River Huai are called the north-west border;

舊時南服紀淮堧。 jiùshí nán fú jì Huái ruán. [old] [time] [south] [report] [record] [Huai] [adjoin] in old times the southern reports recorded the banks of the Huai.

平蕪盡處渾無壁, Píng wú jǐn chù hún wú bì, [flat] [overgrown] [fully] [place] [mix] [not have] [wall] Open grasslands are everywhere, nowhere are there walls;

遠樹梢頭便是天。 yuǎn shù shāotóu biàn shì tiān. [far] [tree] [branch tip] [head] [just] [is] [Heaven] The tips of branches on faraway trees just touch the Heavens.

今古戰場誰勝負, Jīn gǔ zhànchǎng shéi shèng fù, [today] [old] [war] [field] [who] [win] [lose] Today as in antiquity, on the battlefield there are winners and losers;

華夷險要豈山川? huá yí xiǎnyào qǐ shānchuān? [China] [barbarian] [rugged] [vital] [how] [mountain] [river] the strategic strongholds of the Chinese and the barbarians - how could they be the mountains and rivers?

六朝未可輕嘲謗, Liùcháo wèi kě qīng cháo bàng, [six] [dynasty] [not yet] [can] [light] [mock] [defame] The Six Dynasties can never be defamed too easily;

王謝諸賢不偶然! Wáng Xiè zhū xián bù ǒurán! [Wang] [Xie] [various] [virtuous] [not] [accidental] [-ly] Wang, Xie and the other worthies - they were no accident!

If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
