East Asia Student

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Classical Chinese

孟郊 遊子吟 (Yóuzǐ Yín) translation: Song of the Wanderer, by Meng Jiao

This is a very rough translation and annotation of the poem 遊子吟 (Yóuzǐ Yín), ‘Song of the Wanderer’, by the Tang Dynasty Chinese poet 孟郊 (Mèng Jiāo). 遊子吟 (Yóuzǐ Yín) is poem #45 in the 300 Tang Poems.

遊子吟 Yóuzǐ Yín [wanderer][] [hum] Song of the Wanderer

慈母手中線, Címǔ shǒuzhōng xiàn, [compassionate] [mother] [hand] [in] [thread] Thread in the hand of a compassionate mother -

遊子身上衣; yóuzǐ shēnshang yī. [wander] [song] [body] [on] [clothes] clothes on a wandering son;

臨行密密縫, Lín xíng mì mi fèng, [just before] [travel] [close] [close] [sew] just before his departure she sewed closely,

意恐遲遲歸。 yì kǒng chí chí guī. [think] [fear] [late] [late] [return] in her mind worrying about his late return.

誰言寸草心, Shéi yán cùn cǎo xīn, [who] [speak] [inch] [grass] [heart] Who would say that the heart of inch-high grass

報得三春暉? bào de sān chūnhuī? [repay] [achieve] [three] [spring] [shine] could repay the sunshine of deepest spring? (三春 is a period in the traditional calendar.)

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
