East Asia Student

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Classical Chinese

'蘇軾 雨中游天竺靈感觀音院 translation: Traveling in the Rain to Linggan Guanyin Temple on Tianzhu Mountain, by Su Shi'

This is a translation and annotation of the poem 雨中游天竺靈感觀音院 (Yǔzhōng Yóu Tiān Zhú Línggǎn Guānyīn Yuàn), ‘Traveling in the Rain to Linggan Guanyin Temple on Tianzhu Mountain’, by the Song Dynasty Chinese poet 蘇軾 (Sū Shì).

As always, this is only my beginner’s attempt at an annotation. If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments at the end of the page.

Ken Driese photo

雨中游天竺靈感觀音院 Yǔzhōng Yóu Tiān Zhú Línggǎn Guānyīn Yuàn [rain] [in] [travel] [Tian] [Zhu] [Ling] [Gan] [Guan] [Yin] [Court] Traveling in the Rain to Linggan Guanyin Temple on Tianzhu Mountain

蠶欲老,麥半黃, Cán yù lǎo, mài bàn huáng, [silkworm] [want] [old], [wheat] [half] [yellow] The silkworms are maturing, the wheat is half-yellow;

山前山後水浪浪! shān qiánshān hòu shuǐ làng làng! [mountain] [front] [mountain] [behind] [water] [wave] [wave] before the mountains, behind the mountains, rain pours and pours!

農夫輟耒女廢筐, Nóngfū chuò lěi nǚ fèi kuāng, [farm] [master] [stop] [plow] [female] [abandon] [basket] Farmers stop plowing, girls abandon their baskets;

白衣仙人在高堂! báiyī xiānrén zài gāotáng! [white] [clothes] [immortal] [person] [at] [high] [hall] the white-robed immortal is in the high hall!

If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

Sources and further reading

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
