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Classical Chinese

歐陽脩 平生為愛西湖好 translation: All One's Life One has Loved It, by Ouyang Xiu (采桑子)'

This is a very rough translation and annotation of the poem 平生為愛西湖好 (Píngshēng Wèi Ai Xīhú Hǎo), ‘All One’s Life One has Loved It, West Lake is Good’, by the Song Dynasty Chinese poet 歐陽脩 (Oūyáng Xiū). This poem is part of the series 采桑子 (Cǎi Sāngzi) - ‘Picking Mulberries’.

As always, if you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments at the end of the page.

Common Crane


Cǎi Sāngzi [pick] [mulberry][] Picking Mulberries

平生為愛西湖好 Píngshēng Wèi Ai Xīhú Hǎo [whole life][] [as] [love] [West] [Lake] [good] All One's Life One has Loved It, West Lake is Good

平生為愛西湖好, Píngshēng wèi ài xīhú hǎo, [whole life][] [as] [love] [West] [Lake] [good] All one's life one has loved it; West Lake is good;

來擁朱輪。 lái yōng zhū lún. [arrive] [gather] [red] [wheel] one arrives to take office on red wheels. (Red wheels refers to the carriage of a government official.)

富貴浮雲, Fùguì fúyún, [wealth] [nobility] [float] [clouds] Wealth and nobility are like floating clouds;

俯仰流年二十春。 fǔyǎng liúnián èrshí chūn. [lower] [raise] [flow] [year] [two] [ten] [spring] looking down, looking up, in flowing years - twenty springs.

歸來恰似遼東鶴, Guīlái qiàsì liáodōng hè, [return] [come] [exactly] [like] [distant] [east] [crane] On one's return, one is exactly like a crane from the distant east;

城郭人民, chéngguō rénmín, [city] [wall] [person] [citizen] the common people in the city walls -

觸目皆新, chùmù jiē xīn, [contact] [eye] [all] [new] in one's eyes they are all new;

誰識當年舊主人? shéi shí dāngnián jiù zhǔrén? [who] [recognise] [that] [year] [old] [master][] who remembers their old master from those years?

If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
