196 劉長卿 長沙過賈誼宅 translation: In Changsha, Passing by Jia Yi's Residence
This is a rough translation and annotation of the poem 長沙過賈誼宅 (Chángshā Guò Jiǎyì Zhái), ‘In Changsha, Passing by Jia Yi’s Residence’, by the Tang Dynasty Chinese poet 劉長卿 (Liú Chángqīng).
長沙過賈誼宅 Chángshā Guò Jiǎyì Zhái [Changsha][] [pass] [Jiayi][] [Residence]
三年謫宦此棲遲, Sān nián zhé huàn cǐ qī chí, [three] [year] [exile] [official] [here] [perch] [late] 棲遲 is a binome with a range of meanings; the “perch” interpretation here is based on the notes on 百度百科.
萬古惟留楚客悲。 wàngǔ wéi liú Chǔ kè bēi. [ten thousand] [old] [only] [leave behind] [Chu] [guest] [sorrow]
秋草獨尋人去後, Qiūcǎo dú xún rén qù hòu, [autumn] [grass] [alone] [seek] [person] [gone] [after]
寒林空見日斜時。 hán lín kōng jiàn rì xié shí. [cold] [woods] [empty] [see] [sun] [slant] [time]
漢文有道恩猶薄, Hàn Wén yǒu dào ēn yóu báo, [Han] [Wen] [have] [way] [favour] [yet] [meagre]
湘水無情弔豈知。 xiāng shuǐ wúqíng diào qǐ zhī. [Xiang] [water] [not have] [feeling] [homage] [how] [know] This seems to be a reference to 屈原, who killed himself by drowning.
寂寂江山搖落處, Jíjí jiāngshān yáo luò chù, [lonesome] [lonesome] [river] [mountain] [shake] [fall] [place]
憐君何事到天涯。 lián jūn héshì dào tiānyá. [pity] [sir] [what] [matter] [arrive] [sky] [edge]