East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia


  1. '王維 送元二使安西 translation: Seeing Off Yuan Er on His Mission to Anxi, by Wang Wei'
  2. 007 李白 春思 translation: Spring Thoughts, by Li Bai
  3. 128 孟浩然 過故人莊 translation: Visiting a Friend's Farmhouse, by Meng Haoran
  4. 196 劉長卿 長沙過賈誼宅 translation: In Changsha, Passing by Jia Yi's Residence
  5. 232 孟浩然 春曉 translation: Spring Dawn, by Meng Haoran
  6. 233 李白 靜夜思 translation: Quiet Night Thoughts, by Li Bai
  7. 235 杜甫 八陣圖 translation: Eight Front Strategy, by Du Fu
  8. 271 杜甫 江南逢李龜年 translation: Encountering Li Guinian in Jiangnan, by Du Fu
  9. 李白 古風 桃花開東園 translation: Antiquity: Peach Blossom Blooming in the East Garden, by Li Bai
  10. 李白 早發白帝城 translation: Setting Off Early from Baidi City, by Li Bai (下江陵)
  11. 李白 烏夜啼 translation: Crows Caw at Night, by Li Bai
  12. 王維 辛夷塢 translation: Magnolia Wall, by Wang Wei (輞川集)