East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia


  1. 'Lu Xun and Yu Dafu are both seen as important representative figures of the May Fourth New Literature movement. Why?'' (practice essay)'
  2. 'My undergraduate dissertation: Changing Trajectories of Wang Meng and Liu Binyan'
  3. 10 hanzi you thought you knew how to write correctly
  4. 19th and 20th century Chinese science fiction authors
  5. A Bitter Revolution (micro article)
  6. A draft abstract for my Wang Meng and Liu Binyan dissertation
  7. A sample of my Chinese handwriting (October 2012)
  8. Amazon China: the best source of Chinese ebooks ever?
  9. Back to the Wang Meng and Liu Binyan dissertation
  10. Baijiu Sports Cap Edition!
  11. Basic timeline of key events in the life of Liu Binyan (刘宾雁)
  12. China could develop sci-fi technologies
  13. China to abolish Chinese characters, replace with pinyin
  14. China's weird desert structures
  15. Chinese alphabet nonsense
  16. Chinese Ngrams on Google Labs
  17. Chinese numerology explained by a skeptic
  18. Chinese time format for coding: %Y年%m月%e日 %A %I:%M %p
  19. Dr Kerry Brown on Chinese political personalities
  20. East Asia Student readers might like these Chinese wall art prints
  21. Fleshing out the structure for my dissertation (2013-02-02)
  22. Funny names found in the 2010 Chinese Census (homophones again)
  23. Get Dropbox working in China
  24. How to get a Chinese name
  25. How to pronounce Li Keqiang (李克强) - China's next Premier
  26. How to type Chinese quotation marks on Mac OS (「」, 『』 and 《》 )
  27. Hutong School webinar: “Chinese for Dummies”
  28. Initial basic structure for my dissertation (刘宾雁 and 王蒙)
  29. Introduction and Summary Texts for Modern Chinese Literature
  30. My internship at AllSet Learning
  31. Should you learn Mandarin in a place with a standard accent? Which Mandarin study programs are good in China?
  32. Similar hanzi list and Anki deck
  33. Staying in touch with someone in China
  34. Super Singles' Day: 光棍节 11-11-11'
  35. Surprising Chinese character simplifications
  36. TCM in the UK research questionnaire
  37. The "China winning the school race" headlines are misleading
  38. The best Android Chinese input method: Google Pinyin Input (谷歌拼音输入法)
  39. The Great Learning (micro article)
  40. Thoughts on 'Last Train Home' (归途列车)
  41. Trip to Strong Ale Works in Qingdao
  42. Useful Chinese learning search functions
  43. Wang Meng Bibliography (王蒙创作年表)
  44. Web programming in China can really suck
  45. Webinar: “How to get a job in China?”
  46. What is the main Chinese language? What is Standard Chinese?
  47. What's different about Chinese netizens? - an infographic
  48. Why did May Fourth writers favour realism? What are “the limits of realism”? (practice essay)
  49. Windows 7 Chinese input
  50. Yuan Z 他们 translation: They
  51. Yuan Z 皮囊 translation: Skin bags
  52. Yuan Z 等待 translation: Waiting
  53. 兰州拉面万岁! Long Live Lanzhou Lamian!
  54. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 1 (Liu Binyan)
  55. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 2 (Liu Binyan)
  56. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 3 (Liu Binyan)
  57. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 4 (Liu Binyan)
  58. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 5 (Liu Binyan)
  59. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 一 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 1
  60. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 三 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 3 (Wang Meng)
  61. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 二 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 2 (Wang Meng)
  62. 王蒙 哦, 穆罕默德 · 阿麦德 四 translation: Ah, Mohamed Ahmed, Pt 4 (Wang Meng)