East Asian Studies blog
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271 杜甫 江南逢李龜年 translation: Encountering Li Guinian in Jiangnan, by Du Fu
TA in hiragana: た
FUSION乐园 123 translation (Chinese pop rock song)
KU in hiragana: く
崔健 一无所有: Nothing to My Name, by Cui Jian - a decent Chinese rock song
Active vs passive vocabulary - do you know the difference?
'xue'' is not the same sound as ''shui''!'
225 王維 竹里館 translation: Bamboo Grove Pavilion, by Wang Wei
Remembr.it Chinese Flashcards review
N in hiragana: ん
Remembr.it mini-interview
Colloquial comparisons in Cantonese
Vocabify 0.2.3
224 王維 鹿柴 translation: The Deer Enclosure, by Wang Wei
Vocabify 0.2, now on Google Code
300 posts! + looking for guest posters
235 杜甫 八陣圖 translation: Eight Front Strategy, by Du Fu
234 李白 怨情 translation: Resentment, by Li Bai
NI in hiragana: に
232 孟浩然 春曉 translation: Spring Dawn, by Meng Haoran
Web programming in China can really suck
Vocabulary notify flashcards 0.1
HE in hiragana: へ
Soushenji 457 translation: Tomb of the Faithful Dog
Gwoyeu Romatzyh - better than pinyin?
NU in hiragana: ぬ
还是 and 或者: exclusive and inclusive disjunction
Open source is good for language learners
NA in hiragana: な
Staying in touch with someone in China
徐志摩 再別康橋 translation: Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again, by Xu Zhimo
YU in hiragana: ゆ
Learning Chinese grammar in Grade 1
SHI in hiragana: し
East Asian Studies (Chinese) at Cambridge: First Year
10 popular misconceptions about Chinese
A in hiragana: あ
Soushenji 387 translation: Death in Childbirth, a Dot on the Face
The Chinese Grammar Wiki
TE in hiragana: て
Interviewed by Steven Daniels on Lingomi Blog
Benny tackles Chinese
300 Song Poems (宋词三百首)
What can you write about in a literature dissertation?
KI in hiragana: き
Soushenji 389 translation: A Ghost Plays the Pipa
“For” in Chinese: for the nth time
Forwards - backwards Chinese words
Soushenji 381 translation: The Coffin Floating in the Liao River
RE in hiragana: れ