阿城 棋王 一八 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 8
This is the eighth part of a translation of the first chapter of the 1984 novel 棋王 (‘Chess King’) by the Chinese author 阿城 (Ah Cheng).
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我就又问那本棋谱。 I asked about that chess record again.
王一生很沮丧地说:“我每天带在身上,反覆地看。 Wang Yisheng said with dismay: "I kept it with me every day, looking through it.
后来你知道,我撕大字报被造反团捉住,书就被他们搜了去,说是四旧,给毁了,而且 是当着我的面儿毁的。 Afterwards, you know - when I got caught tearing down big character posters by the rebel group, they took the book off me, saying it was one of the four olds, and they destroyed it, right in front of my face as well.
好在书已在我脑子里,不怕他们。” Luckily the whole book was already in my brain, so I wasn't afraid of them."
我就又和王一生感叹了许久。 Again I lamented with Wang Yisheng for a while.
火车终于到了,所有的知识青年都又被用卡车运到农场。 Finally the train reached its destination, and all of the intellectual youth were to be transported to the farms in trucks.
在总场,各分场的人上来领我们。 At the assembly areas, the people separating the groups gave us instructions. *[?]*
我找到王一生,说:“呆子,要分手了,别忘了交情,有事儿没事儿 ,互相走动。” I found Wang Yisheng and said: "Geek, we're separating now, don't forget our friendship; whatever happens, we'll get through it together."
他说当然。 He said that was only natural.
[← Part 7](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-1-7/” rel="prev “阿城 棋王 一七 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 7”) · Part 8 · [Chapter 2, Part 1 →](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-2-1/” rel="next “阿城 棋王 二一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 1”)
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Further reading
- [Three Kings - A Cheng](http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0002710331/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=0002710331&linkCode=as2&tag=easasistu-21" rel="external nofollow)
- Full text of 棋王