East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia


  1. 'Lu Xun and Yu Dafu are both seen as important representative figures of the May Fourth New Literature movement. Why?'' (practice essay)'
  2. 19th and 20th century Chinese science fiction authors
  3. A draft abstract for my Wang Meng and Liu Binyan dissertation
  4. Amazon China: the best source of Chinese ebooks ever?
  5. Fleshing out the structure for my dissertation (2013-02-02)
  6. Initial basic structure for my dissertation (刘宾雁 and 王蒙)
  7. Introduction and Summary Texts for Modern Chinese Literature
  8. Review of Guo Xiaolu’s 'Twenty Fragments of a Ravenous Youth' (郭小橹 饕餮青春的二十个瞬间)
  9. Wang Meng Bibliography (王蒙创作年表)
  10. What can you write about in a literature dissertation?
  11. Why did May Fourth writers favour realism? What are “the limits of realism”? (practice essay)
  12. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 1 (Liu Binyan)
  13. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 2 (Liu Binyan)
  14. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 3 (Liu Binyan)
  15. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 4 (Liu Binyan)
  16. 刘宾雁 在桥梁工地上 translation: At the Bridge Construction Site, Pt 5 (Liu Binyan)
  17. 阿城 棋王 一一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 1
  18. 阿城 棋王 一七 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 7
  19. 阿城 棋王 一三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 3
  20. 阿城 棋王 一二 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 2
  21. 阿城 棋王 一五 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 5
  22. 阿城 棋王 一八 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 8
  23. 阿城 棋王 一六 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 6
  24. 阿城 棋王 一四 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 4
  25. 阿城 棋王 二一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 1
  26. 阿城 棋王 二三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 3
  27. 阿城 棋王 二二 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 2
  28. 阿城 棋王 二四 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 2 pt 4