East Asia Student

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Written Chinese

阿城 棋王 一二 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 2

This is the second part of a translation of the first chapter of the 1984 novel 棋王 (‘Chess King’) by the Chinese author 阿城 (Ah Cheng).

[← Part 1](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-1-1/” rel="prev “阿城 棋王 一一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 1”) · Part 2 · [Part 3 →](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-1-3/” rel="next “阿城 棋王 一三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 3”)



王一生简直大名鼎鼎。 Wang Yisheng was quite simply a celebrity.

我们学校与旁边几个中学常常有学生之间的象棋厮杀,后来拚出几个高手。 Our school often had play-off chess matches with a few middle schools nearby, and eventually a few champions emerged.

几个高手之间常摆擂台,渐渐地,几乎每次冠军就都是王一生了。 Tournaments between a several champions were put on a stage, and gradually it came to be that Wang Yisheng was the champion almost every time.

我因为不喜欢象棋,也就不去关心什么象棋冠军,但王一生的大名,却常被班上几个棋篓子供在嘴上,我也就对其事迹略闻一二,知道王一生外号棋呆子,棋下得神不用说,而且在他们学校那一年级里数理成绩总是前数名。 Because I didn't like chess I wouldn't be bothered about some chess champion, but Wang Yisheng's fame was nevertheless often on the lips of a few chess buffs in the class [?], and I had a vague impression of him, knowing that Wang Yisheng's nickname was 'Chess Geek'; that he played chess as if divinely possessed went without saying, and he was at the top of that year in school for mathematics.

我想棋下得好而且有个数学脑子,这很合情理,可我又不信人们说的那些王一生的呆事,觉得不过是大家寻逸闻鄙事,以快言论罢了。 I thought that playing chess well and having a mind for maths really made sense, but I didn't believe what people said about Wang Yisheng doing stupid things; I thought that it was no more than people looking for rumours and scorn, just for fun.

[← Part 1](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-1-1/” rel="prev “阿城 棋王 一一 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 1”) · Part 2 · [Part 3 →](/china/baihua/a-cheng-qi-wang-1-3/” rel="next “阿城 棋王 一三 translation: Chess King, by Ah Cheng, Chp 1 pt 3”)

Further reading

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
