East Asia Student

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Classical Chinese

楊萬里 入浮梁界 translation: Entering the Borders of Fuliang, by Yang Wanli

This is a translation and annotation of the poem 入浮梁界 (Rù Fúliáng Jiè), ‘Entering the Borders of Fuliang’, by the Southern Song Dynasty Chinese poet 楊萬里 (Yáng Wànlǐ).

As always, this is only my beginner’s attempt at an annotation. If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments at the end of the page.

Li River (漓江) - Fico

入浮梁界 Rù Fúliáng Jiè [enter] [Fu] [Liang] [border] Entering the Borders of Fuliang

濕日雲間淡, Shī rì yúnjiān dàn, [wet] [day] [cloud] [between] [thin] The damp sun is weak between the clouds;

晴峰雨後鮮。 qíng fēng yǔhòu xiān. [clear] [feng] [rain] [after] [fresh] clear mountain peaks are fresh after the rain.

水吞堤柳膝, Shuǐ tūn dī liǔ xī, [water] [swallow] [dike] [willow] [knee] Water swallows up the joints of willow branches in the dam;

麥到野童肩。 mài dào yě tóng jiān. [wheat] [arrive] [rural] [boy] [shoulder] the wheat has reached the shoulder-height of a country boy.

漚漩嬉浮葉, Ōu xuán xī fúyè, [froth] [eddy] [amuse] [float] [leaf] In the eddies, one delights in floating leaves;

炊煙倒入船。 chuīyān dào rù chuán. [kitchen] [smoke] [invert] [into] [boat] cooking smoke comes back into the boat.

順流風更順, Shùn liú fēng gèng shùn, [follow] [flow] [wind] [more] [follow] Smooth currents, and even smoother breeze -

只道不雙全。 zhǐ dào bù shuāngquán. [but] [say] [not] [pair] [whole] who says nothing can be perfect?

If you have any suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

Sources and further reading

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
