敦煌 醉後失禮謝書 Dunhuang Drunk Apology Letter Translation
This is a close translation and annotation of a text from 敦煌 (Dūnhuáng). The text is a standard form letter for apologising for being too drunk, and has been featured in Letters of Note. It was written in the year 856 AD, during the Tang dynasty.

醉後失禮謝書 Zùi Hòu Shī Lǐ Xiè Shū [drunk] [after] [lose] [propriety] [apology] [letter]
昨日多飲, Zuó rì duō yǐn, [yesterday] [day] [excess] [drink]
醉甚過度。 zùi shén guò dù. [drunk] [extreme] [pass] [degree]
麁踈言詞, Cū sú yán cí, [coarse] [negligent] [language] [words]
都不醒覺。 dōu bù xǐng jué. [all] [not] [wake] [conscious]
朝來見諸人說, Zhāo lái jiàn zhū rén shuō, [morning] [come] [hear] [several] [person] [speak]
方知其由。 fāng zhī qí yóu. [realize then][] [its] [cause] 方知.
無地容身, Wú dì róng shēn, [not have] [earth] [absorb] [body]
慙悚尤積。 cán sǒng yóu jī. [ashamed] [afraid] [especially] [accumulate]
本緣小器, Běn yuán xiǎo qì, [root] [cause] [small] [receptacle]
到次滿盈。 dào cì mǎn yíng. [arrive] [time] [full] [fill]
深及之伏望 Shēn jí zhī fú wàng [deep] [extreme] ['s] [submit] [hope] 伏望
仁明不賜罪責。 rén míng bù cì zùi zé. [benevolence][] [not] [confer] [guilt] [blame] 仁明
續當面謝, Xù dāng miàn xiè, [continue] [bear] [face] [apologise]
先狀諮申。 xiān zhuàng zī shēn. [first] [state] [consult] [state to superior]
伏惟鑑察, Fú wéi jiàn chá, [crouch] [but] [scrutiny] [examine] 伏惟
不宣, Bù xuān, [not] [declare]
謹狀。 jǐn zhuàng. [respect] [state]