East Asia Student

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Classical Chinese

120 王維 過香積寺 translation: Passing the Temple of Stored Fragrance, by Wang Wei

This is a translation of the poem 過香積寺 (Guò Xiāng Jī Sì) by the Tang dynasty poet 王維 (Wang Wei). It is #120 in the 唐詩三百首 anthology (Three Hundred Tang Poems).


guò xiāng jī sì

[pass] [fragrance] [store] [temple] Passing the Temple of Stored Fragrance

不知香積寺, bù zhī xiāng jī sì [not] [know] [fragrance] [store] [temple] One does not know the Temple of Stored Fragrance

數裏入云峰。 shù lǐ rù yún fēng [several] [village] [enter] [cloud] [peak] Pass several villages and enter the cloudy peaks

古木無人徑, gǔ mù wú rén jìng [ancient] [tree] [not have] [person] [path] Ancient trees with no path for people

深山何處鐘。 shēn shān hé chù zhōng [deep] [mountain] [how] [situate] [bell] Deep in the mountains, where are the bells?

泉聲咽危石, quán shēng yān wēi shí [spring] [sound] [sob] [danger] [stone] The sound of a spring swallowed by dangerous rocks

日色冷青松。 rì sè lěng qīng sōng [sun] [colour] [cold] [dark] [pine] The sun’s colour is cold in dark pines

薄暮空潭曲, bó mù kōng tán qū [thin] [evening] [empty] [pool] [edge] Fading twilight on the edge of an empty pool

安禪制毒龍。 ān chán zhì dú lóng [safe] [zen] [overcome] [poison] [dragon] Peacefully meditate, and overcome the poisonous dragon. _This is a Buddhist concept, referring to evil desires in one's heart._

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
