East Asia Student

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Classical Chinese

116 王維 山居秋暝 translation: Mountain Life on an Autumn Evening, by Wang Wei

This is a translation of the poem 山居秋暝 (Shān Jū Qiū Míng) by the Tang dynasty poet 王維 (Wang Wei). It is #116 in the 唐詩三百首 anthology (Three Hundred Tang Poems).

山居秋暝 Shān Jū Qiū Míng [mountain] [reside] [autumn] [dark] Mountain Life on an Autumn Evening

空山新雨後, kōng shān xīn yǔ hòu [empty] [mountain] [new] [rain] [after] After fresh rain in the empty mountains,

天氣晚來秋。 tiān qì wǎn lái qiū [sky] [atmosphere] [evening] [come] [Autumn] the evening weather heralds Autumn's arrival.

明月松間照, míng yuè sōng jiān zhào [bright] [moon] [pine] [amongst] [shine] The bright moon shines between the pines;

清泉石上流。 qīng quán shí shàng liú [clear] [spring] [stone] [on] [flow] the clear spring water flows over the stones.

竹喧歸浣女, zhú xuān guī huàn nǚ [bamboo] [clamour] [return] [wash] [woman] The clamour of washerwomen returning through bamboo groves;

蓮動下漁舟。 lián dòng xià yú zhōu [lotus] [move] [down] [fishing] [boat] fishing boats are lowered down by the lotus flowers.

隨意春芳歇, suí yì chūn fāng xiē [follow] [desire] [Spring] [fragrance] [rest] The fragrance of Spring remains of its own accord;

王孫自可留。 wáng sūn zì kě liú [king] [descendant] [from] [may] [stay] nobles passing through may stay.

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
