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Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VI

鲁迅 狂人日記 六

This is a sentence-by-sentence translation of the sixth chapter of 狂人日記 (Diary of a Madman) by 鲁迅 (Lu Xun).

As always, the translation here aims to be fairly literal at the expense of sounding idiomatic in English.

黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。 It’s pitch black, and I don’t know if it’s day or night.

趙家的狗又叫起來了。 The Zhao’s dog has started barking again.

獅子似的兇心,兔子的怯弱,狐狸的狡猾…… The fierceness of a lion, the timidity of a rabbit, the cunning of a fox…

[← Part V](/china/baihua/lu-xun-diary-madman-5/" rel="prev "Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, V") · [Contents](/china/baihua/lu-xun-diary-madman/" rel="contents "Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation") · [Part VII →](/china/baihua/lu-xun-diary-madman-7/" rel="next "Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VII")

An open mouth

If you notice an error or disagree with the translation, please comment below to make this a better resource.

Series: Diary of a Madman

  1. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, Pt. I
  2. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, Pt II
  3. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, III
  4. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, IV
  5. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, V
  6. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VI (this article)
  7. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VII
  8. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, VIII
  9. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, IX
  10. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, X
  11. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XI
  12. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XII
  13. Lu Xun Diary of a Madman translation, XIII

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
