王维 雜詩 translation: Unclassified Poem, by Wang Wei
This is a translation and annotation of the poem 雜詩 (Zá Shǐ) by the Tang dynasty poet 王維 (Wang Wei). It is also known by its first line: 君自故鄉來 (Jūn Zì Gù Xiāng Lái).
zá shǐ [unclassified] [poem] Unclassified Poem
君自故鄉來, jūn zì gù xiāng lái [sir] [from] [old] [native village] [come] You come from my home village,
應知故鄉事。 yīng zhī gù xiāng shì [should] [know] [old] [native village] [event] and should know my home village’s affairs.
來日綺窗前, lái rì qǐ chuāng qián [arrive] [day] [silk work] [window] [in front] On the day you arrived, in front of the latticed window,
寒梅著花未? hán méi zhe huā wèi [winter] [plum] [bloom] [flower] [not yet] had the winter plum blossomed?
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Useful links:
- Analysis of 雜詩 in Chinese
- [Fifty Five T’ang Poems (Hugh M. Stimson)](http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0887100260/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=easasistu-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=0887100260" rel="nofollow “Fifty Five T’ang Poems (paperback on Amazon UK)")
- [Poems of the Late T’ang (A. C. Graham)](http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1590172574?ie=UTF8&tag=easasistu-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=1590172574" rel="nofollow “Poems of the Late T’ang (New York Review Books Classics)")