East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia

Classical Chinese

柳宗元 江雪 translation: River Snow, by Liu Zongyuan (Jiang Xue)

This is a very rough translation and annotation of the poem 江雪 (Jiāng Xuě), ‘River Snow’, by the Tang Dynasty Chinese poet 柳宗元 (Liǔ Zōngyuán).

As always, if you have any suggestions or criticisms, please share them in the comments at the end of the page.


江雪 Jiāng Xuě [river] [snow] River Snow

千山鳥飛絕 Qiān shān niǎo fēi jué [thousand] [mountain] [bird] [fly] [disappear] In a thousand mountains, the flight of birds is not seen;

萬徑人蹤滅 Wàn jìng rén zōng miè [ten thousand] [path] [person] [footprints] [extinguish] on ten thousand paths, human footprints have vanished.

孤舟簑笠翁 Gū zhōu suō lì wēng [lonely] [boat] [straw cloak] [bamboo hat] [old man] On a lonely boat, in straw cloak and bamboo hat, an old man,

獨釣寒江雪 Dú diào hán jiāng xuě [alone] [to fish] [cold] [river] [snow] fishing alone, in the cold river snow.

If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please share them in the comments below.

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
