海子 七月的大海 translation: The July Sea, by Hai Zi

七月的大海 Qīyuè de Dàhǎi The July Sea
老乡们,谁能在海上见到你们真是幸福! Lǎoxiāngmen, shéi néng zài hǎishàng jiàn dào nǐmen zhēnshi xìngfú! Fellow villagers, whoever can see you over the sea is truly happy!
我们全都背叛自己的故乡 Wǒmen quándōu bèipàn zìjǐ de gùxiāng Each one of us betrays our birthplace.
我们会把幸福当成祖传的职业 Wǒmen huì bǎ xìngfú dàngchéng zǔchuán de zhíyè We will turn happiness into the occupation of generations
放下手中痛苦的诗篇 Fàngxià shǒuzhōng tòngkǔ de shīpiān Put down the miserable poem in your hand.
今天的白浪真大!老乡们,它高过你们的粮仓 Jīntiān de báilàng zhēn dà! Lǎoxiāngmen, tā gāoguò nǐmen de liángcāng The white waves are huge today! Villagers, they are taller than your storehouses.
如果我中止诉说,如果我意外地忘却了你 Rúguǒ wǒ zhōngzhǐ sùshuō, rúguǒ wǒ yìwài dì wàngquèle nǐ If I break off talking, if I unexpectedly forget you,
把我自己的故乡抛在一边 Bǎ wǒ zìjǐ de gùxiāng pāo zài yībiān Fling my own village aside
我连自己都放弃 更不会回到秋收 农民的家中 Wǒ lián zìjǐ dōu fàngqì / gèng bù huì huí dào qiūshōu / nóngmín de jiāzhōng I’ll abandon even myself And won’t come back for the autumn harvest In a peasant’s home.
在七月我总能突然回到荒凉 Zài qī yuè wǒ zǒng néng túrán huí dào huāngliáng In July I make a sudden return to the wilderness
赶上最后一次 Gǎn shàng zuìhòu yīcì Catch up to the last time
我戴上帽子 穿上泳装 安静地死亡 Wǒ dài shàng màozi / chuān shàng yǒngzhuāng / ānjìng de sǐwáng I put on my hat Don my swimsuit Die peacefully
在七月我总能突然回到荒凉 Zài qī yuè wǒ zǒng néng túrán huí dào huāngliáng In July I make a sudden return to the wilderness.
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- [Over Autumn Rooftops: Poems by Hai Zi - Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0924047763/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=easasistu-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0924047763" rel="external nofollow “Over Autumn Rooftops (English and Chinese Edition) [Paperback]")