- Amazon China: the best source of Chinese ebooks ever?
- Calibre is an open-source ebook program with awesome potential for language learning
- Convenient mark-up for CJK languages in Wordpress (HTML + CSS)
- Fixing the "sqlalchemy.exceptions / cjklib" error in Pinyin Toolkit for Anki
- Get daily Chinese handwriting practice with Google Pinyin IME on Android
- GNOME Timer Applet for effective study sessions
- How to get Tibetan to display in Ankidroid (Anki for Android)
- How to type Chinese quotation marks on Mac OS (「」, 『』 and 《》 )
- Install East Asian languages support on Windows XP without the CD
- My favourite Chinese learning tools
- Open source is good for language learners
- Putting Wordpress into Chinese, Japanese or Korean
- Chinese Flashcards review
- mini-interview
- SCIM vs IBus (Linux Chinese, Japanese, Korean input method options)
- Thanks to Kensio Software for the Wordpress and Web development of EAS
- The Skritter iOS app is out... Please make an Android one!
- Use pinyin from Google Translate to practice writing Chinese characters
- Use Zotero for essays and dissertations
- Useful Chinese learning search functions
- Vocabify 0.2, now on Google Code
- Vocabify 0.2.3
- Vocabulary notify flashcards 0.1
- Web programming in China can really suck
- Windows 7 Chinese input