East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia


Two hundred posts!

This is post #200 on the site since I started it about a year ago. A few stats about the site now:

  • East Asia Student has received 317 comments so far, averaging 1.6 per post.
  • It currently receives around 3000 unique visitors a month, with 11000 page views between them.
  • The RSS feed has 51 subscribers.
  • The average visitor looks at 3.5 pages before leaving.
  • East Asia Student now has a Google PageRank of 3.
  • The majority of visitors are from the US, followed by China and then the UK.
  • Visitors come from 90 different countries in total.
  • The site has earned about £80 in the year, mostly from the Skritter affiliate scheme and Amazon sales.

I’ve used [JostHost](http://stats.justhost.com/track?c1297f11874c96a693be27174b654c739" rel="nofollow “Web hosting”) throughout this first year without any problems. I also use Amazon Cloudfront and Cloudflare to speed the site up a bit.

So, a fairly modest first year, although it’s better than what I expected when I started out. Now, back to those Lu Xun translations…

Contact me: mhg@eastasiastudent.net
