East Asia Student

Random Stuff Related to East Asia


  1. '蘇軾 六月二十七日望湖樓醉書(其一) translation: Drunken Writings from 27th of the 6th at Wanghu Tower I, by Su Shi'
  2. '蘇軾 六月二十七日望湖樓醉書(其二) translation: Drunken Writings from 27th of the 6th at Wanghu Tower II, by Su Shi'
  3. '蘇軾 冬至日獨遊吉祥寺 translation: On the Winter Solstice, Travelling Alone to the Temple of Fortune, by Su Shi'
  4. '蘇軾 張子野年八十五尚聞買妾述古令作詩 translation: Still One Hears that Zhang Ziye at Eighty-Five Years Old Has Bought a Concubine; A Poem Requested by Shugu (Su Shi)'
  5. '蘇軾 月夜與客飲酒杏花下 translation: On a Moonlit Night Drinking Wine with a Guest Below the Apricot Blossoms, by Su Shi'
  6. '蘇軾 李思訓畫長江絕島圖 translation: Li Sixun Paints Cragged Islands on the Yangtze, by Su Shi'
  7. '蘇軾 臘日遊孤山訪惠勤惠思二僧 translation: On the Winter Festival I Visited Lone Mountain and the Two Monks Hui Jin and Hui Si, by Su Shi'
  8. '蘇軾 雨中游天竺靈感觀音院 translation: Traveling in the Rain to Linggan Guanyin Temple on Tianzhu Mountain, by Su Shi'
  9. Cambridge Chinese Fourth Year Song and Tang Poetry List
  10. 蘇軾 宿九仙山 translation: Lodging on Nine Immortals Mountain, by Su Shi
  11. 蘇軾 寓居定惠院之東雜花滿山有海棠一株土人不知貴也 translation: ...Dinghui Temple..., by Su Shi
  12. 蘇軾 戲子由 translation: Teasing Zi You, by Su Shi
  13. 蘇軾 水調歌頭 translation: Water Song, by Su Shi (明月幾時有)
  14. 蘇軾 贈狄崇班季子 translation: Presented as a Gift to Di Chongban's Youngest Son, by Su Shi'
  15. 蘇軾 辛丑十一月十九日,既與子由別于鄭州西門之外,馬上賦詩一篇寄之 translation
  16. 蘇軾 陌上花 一 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path I, by Su Shi
  17. 蘇軾 陌上花 三 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path III, by Su Shi
  18. 蘇軾 陌上花 二 translation: Flowers on the Paddy Field Path II, by Su Shi